February 2020

Raising The Efficiency Faculty Of BMS Teaching Supervisors (2)

Raising The Efficiency Faculty Of BMS Teaching Supervisors

The Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences (BMS) held a workshop yesterday morning on dental carving under the supervision of Dr. Fouad Mikael and aimed at honing the skills of tutors (specialist of oral and dental surgery) and giving them the necessary expertise, in implementation of the college\’s plans to raise the efficiency of its staff,

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Strengthening Computer Skills for BMS Laboratory Staff and Technicians

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]BMS faculty organized a workshop aimed at strengthening and upgrading the computer skills of staff, panellists, TLS and its own laboratory technicians within the university, especially in Microsoft word and Microsoft Excel. This workshop is part of the ongoing efforts of the Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences to raise the level and performance rates of

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